10 comments on “A Bed to Lay Your Sadness

  1. This is exquisitely beautiful. “A Bed to lay your sadness on”–the most poetic line I’ve ever read, surely. And isn’t the photo wonderful.


  2. You touched my heart. My husband died 5 months ago.I remember the exact time to the minute when he died. I was on my way to see him at Sloan-Kettering hospital. I will never forget nor will my pain lessen until we are together again. Your poem was so moving. Thank you


    • My Dear Beloved, I hope this will help carry you…I understand and cherish the feelings and pain you carry today- Please be in touch if I can help you with your steps towards healing…it will come once…with a heavy heart, H.


  3. This went straight to the heart. It speaks clearly to anyone that has struggled to rise again, to just move a little forward. The metaphor of the bed to lay one’s trauma on is so poignant of that moment of reawakening to life and leaving the trouble to rest.

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