61 comments on “Waiting

  1. Did it this way, audio only but a live reading is available for you if you like. I was just not able to send it to your e-mail for some reason??

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Heather
    Beautiful, story of our lives at different times. You’re words flow softly and hit part of the heart and brain where they come together. You are a great writer, you have a gift. We are so blessed when we have a gift we can share with others. I hope life is treating you kind and not to wrapped up in the long list we all have of to do’s. Take care my friend.


  3. Hi Heather, I didn’t know I wasn’t following your blog until now 🙂
    The poem is truly beautiful!! It made me realize that waiting is just a waste of time. Things will happen anyway and it’s better not to miss them!
    Thank you!


  4. Incredibly beautiful. I truly was touched. You constructed the poem so well, like an architect designing a building. It may not yet be your masterpiece, but it is a great step along the way. Kudos.


  5. A poem inspired by your poem….

    why wait?
    there is so much out there,
    willing to be explored

    why wait?
    say hi to the cute person,
    you never know what’s in store

    why wait?
    your dreams are attainable,
    you just have to reach for them

    why wait?
    stop holding back your emotions
    let them pour out of you soul

    why wait?
    when there is so much left to give
    why wait, when you can go?

    Liked by 1 person

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