49 comments on “Poets Guilt

  1. I think guilt is a wicked muse…it sometimes motivates or inhibits (depending on its mood) for the wrong reasons. Perhaps that’s why guilt has its own special name. You found the perfect phrasing for the sensibilities guilt clings to… Beautiful poem, Heather.
    AnnMarie 🙂
    I know without ‘guilt’ many moms (me included) would be at a loss for words 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Love to read your thoughts anytime, Heather . . . You’re a poet after my own heart: let no one tell you we do not live in the awesome tension between guilt & grace . . . It is from their our creative juices flow . . . Blessings! and Keep writing . . . You may not feel better but you’ll be better . . .

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Oh, so that’s what it’s called “poet’s guilt?”
    It was there a minute ago, I’m sure it will come back around only it won’t be exactly the same.


  4. Just wanted to stop back in and congratulate you on your nomination, and wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year now that it’s just about upon us. Take care.


  5. I really do share your feelings on this piece. I had not written for a long time and I felt lost without having that outlet. Thanks for penning this powerful piece. Also, I thought of you when I received the Liebster Award. I love your work and wanted to pass this nomination to you. Click on the link for more details. Hugs and warm greetings friend! https://thecandidspot.wordpress.com/2015/03/23/the-candid-spot-accepts-the-liebster-award/


  6. Pingback: Poets Guilt | Advice,Love,Poetry and Sooo Much More

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